Saga of The Dead Wiki
Driving Skills


Vehicle Shop

Vehicle Shop

The Humvee is a vehicle that acts as an obstacle in Road Of The Dead and a primary vehicle in Road Of The Dead 2.


In ROTD it is seen in checkpoints and on the road as a blockade, while in ROTD 2 its the primary vehicle and it is also seen in the checkpoints in and around the city. In LOTD it is subtly mentioned, as it is seen on the main menu screen parked outside the lab.


Road of the Dead[]

The Humvee in ROTD is primarily used as an obstacle and has no major effects on the main story. Soldiers often hide behind them to shoot at Creasman when he approaches.

Road of the Dead 2[]

It is the main vehicle you drive in ROTD 2.

It has no glass in ROTD 2 and if zombies cling onto the hood, the secondary driver (Diane or Cocheta, depending on who's driving) will have to shoot it off. It is also quite durable, as it can survive direct impacts from a few mines, explosives, and aerial bombardments with relatively light damage to the vehicle.

As well as bumper upgrades that protect the vehicle's engine, it can have two type of powerful weapons mounted onto the roof, available for 1,250 Road Points each. The first is a machine gun turret, which provides substantial damage, and a rocket launcher, with splash damage that can easily clear road blockages.

The lack of glass in the windshield can prove both a blessing and a curse, as when you are defending your vehicle while stop gathering much needed ammunition, meds, or repairing the Humvee, you can provide covering fire against zombies or in F.U.B.A.R. mode, other soldiers, however when you are reloading a gun with lengthy reload speed, it can allow zombies or mutants to climb onto your car and kill you before you can reload.


  • Tire
  • Engine
  • Bumper

Sub Upgrader[]
